With a fleet management software to fleet growth

Our customer MeierTobler AG, with a fleet of around 750 vehicles, faced the challenge that all of the company's fleet data was stored in different locations and was very decentralized. They were looking for a new fleet management solution to manage the fleet more effectively. Let us show you how MeierTobler AG mastered its fleet growth with Avrios fleet management software.

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July 30, 2021

Our customer MeierTobler AG, with a fleet of around 750 vehicles, faced the challenge that all of the company's fleet data was stored in different locations and was very decentralized. They were looking for a new fleet management solution to manage the fleet more effectively. Let us show you how MeierTobler AG mastered its fleet growth with Avrios fleet management software.

The challenge of decentralized data points

The main challenge for the company was that data was stored in different locations. In this regard, vehicle administration and claims management were managed in different databases, while vehicle order and vehicle departure management were managed in an Excel sheet. This decentralized approach did not allow the company to create transparent data links to bring more efficiency to the fleet. 

The goal was to transfer all information into a centralized and convenient data management system and thus simplify internal processes, also through automation. In addition, the company also wanted to reduce the number of leasing providers and introduce a multi-bidding process. The goal was to simplify and optimize all processes and workflows through automation and to create more transparency for all fleet costs. 

Data transparency and accessibility through fleet management software 

MeierTobler AG chose Avrios' fleet management software as the solution to their challenges. Through the software, a consistent and centralized data structure was established as a first step, creating transparency across all data points and fleet costs. In addition, automated processes and workflows were set up, which ensures the handling of processes from the ordering to the retirement of vehicles. 

With more visibility and linking of all data points, the company was also able to generate detailed reports that could provide directional information on fleet growth potential and costs. As a result, the fleet manager had a faster response time and was able to identify cost savings early and initiate changes. In addition, the amount of work and communication was reduced as requests could now be handled centrally and through the software.

After implementing Avrios, MeierTobler established a multi-bidding process with two leasing providers. This begins with the vehicle retirement report from Avrios. It identifies vehicles that need to be replaced due to expiring leases or for economic reasons. New upcoming orders are created from the beginning via the "Procurements" function in Avrios. 

The digitization of all processes now not only enables automated recording of all vehicle and contract data in a database but also greatly simplifies the decision for the best offer. The combination of information forms the basis for requesting concrete offers in the dealers' multi-bidding process. The process has proven its worth: Newly concluded leasing contracts are significantly more favorable than before.

You want to learn more about the case study? Read more here.

Achieving greater fleet growth with Avrios

With Avrios fleet management software, our goal is to give you the 'Power to Act' and drive your fleet growth. With Avrios, you maintain complete control over your fleet management and can manage all your data in one central place - for greater visibility into your fleet costs. 

Sounds interesting to you? Sign up now for your free Avrios Essentials account and get started with your digital fleet management.