What are the benefits of cloud software in fleet management?

Are you also wondering what advantages cloud software (like Avrios) has compared to other types of software? Before switching to Avrios, employees often work with Excel spreadsheets or installed software that runs directly on the employee’s computer. Users are often not aware of the benefits that a cloud-based solution can have. Accordingly, we have prepared a brief overview of the biggest advantages:
Benefit #1: No data loss & no backups
With a cloud solution like Avrios, you no longer have to worry about spilling coffee over your laptop. Because we keep all your data safe for you on our servers, your computer can go down the drain without you losing any data. This also applies to backups: Avrios does the backups for you – one thing less for you to worry about.
And to also take into account the security concerns regarding a cloud-based solution for your fleet management – we store your data safely and encrypted on certified servers in Germany.
Benefit #2: Work with multiple users at different locations simultaneously
Who does not know it? You are working on your Excel file, only to find out when you save it that your colleague has also changed something in the meantime. And now one of you has to do all the work again – if you are lucky. If you’re not, your colleague simply overwrites your work in the shared drive, and you don’t notice it until much later, when you wonder where your data went.
With a cloud solution, several people can easily work on the same data at the same time and in different locations around the world without any conflicts. Many cloud solutions even have an “audit” function that allows you to track which person has made which changes.

Benefit #3: No manual updates
With a cloud solution, you don’t have to worry about updating your software – and therefore the security of the solution. The provider takes care of all this. For you this means: no more annoying notifications, but always up-to-date and secure software – what else do you want? With most providers (and definitely with Avrios) security updates and the debugging of software problems are included in the price and happen automatically and continuously by themselves.