Using commercial vehicles more sustainably: Solutions in the vehicle fleet

The vehicle fleet is part of everyday life, which would be unthinkable without commercial vehicles. Managing the fleet can be very time-consuming and sometimes quite confusing depending on the number of vehicles, users, and locations. The good old method of management in an Excel spreadsheet is therefore no longer appropriate for many companies. Things get even more complicated here when a change is to be made in the vehicle fleet to achieve existing sustainability goals. Therefore, Modern solutions are important for sustainable use and better monitoring of emissions, costs, and vehicle use.

July 21, 2024
August 24, 2021

The vehicle fleet is part of everyday life, which would be unthinkable without commercial vehicles. Managing the fleet can be very time-consuming and sometimes quite confusing depending on the number of vehicles, users, and locations. The good old method of management in an Excel spreadsheet is therefore no longer appropriate for many companies. Things get even more complicated here when a change is to be made in the vehicle fleet to achieve existing sustainability goals. Therefore, Modern solutions are important for sustainable use and better monitoring of emissions, costs, and vehicle use. Today we want to present how commercial vehicles can be used more sustainably - and what a modern digital solution for them can look like.

Which solutions exist for more sustainable commercial vehicles?

By commercial vehicles, we mean all components of a company's fleet. Here, therefore, we can mean all vehicles from small cars to vans or trucks. Of course, these are more difficult to manage and additionally represent a major cost aspect, as the vehicle fleet is associated with high expenses. Nevertheless, it is important for environmental goals as well as for modern businesses to make commercial vehicles more sustainable. At the current time, the best solution is not only to switch to fuel-efficient models for all vehicles but to switch to electric mobility. The switch makes it possible to reduce emissions and, not least, is more cost-effective in the long run. The topic of e-mobility is not easy for companies to tackle, depending on the size of the current fleet, as the administrative effort seems enormous and it is often unknown at the beginning whether costs can also be saved.

At the current time, there are already many sustainable solutions for commercial vehicles that can complement a modern fleet. In particular, classic company vehicles for employees in senior positions or the for example for sales managers can gradually be converted into electric solutions. For commercial vehicles with more cargo volume, which are required for transporting goods, some vehicles can be charged electronically. The installation of charging stations is an advantage for companies here.

In addition, more and more solutions for more sustainable vehicles can be expected outside the company's own premises, as the expansion of fast charging stations, for example, continues to grow. Finally, no change can be expected from official bodies unless the expansion of charging stations increases very strongly at the same time. Since more sustainable commercial vehicles play a very important role, especially in extensive fleets, there are currently more and more suitable vehicles from various manufacturers just like the options for charging. These developments show that there are already many options in terms of sustainability.

Why is a rethink of commercial vehicles important?

The potential achievement of climate targets and a greater focus on existing emissions is becoming more and more important. The reason for this is without question that although CO2 emissions decreased in 2020 due to the Corona pandemic, they increased again significantly in 2021. The drop in 2020 is already being referred to as the so-called "Corona dip", but it appears to be an exception. It even turned out that people's mobility behavior had not changed as much during this period as was first assumed. As a result, new ground has to be broken, and various environmental protection associations are increasingly building up pressure for change.

The Climate Protection Act set targets that are not achievable in various areas in 2021, resulting in a greater focus on issues such as sustainability and, of course, e-mobility. After all, looking around the world and at current figures, there was a slight drop in emissions in 2020, but that quickly became a thing of the past due to a whole new growth in the global economy. So after Corona is before Corona - and that means climate targets remain the focus, not just the pandemic. Since the transportation sector, in particular, emits enormous amounts of emissions, a change at this point is especially important.

Commercial vehicles play a bigger role in climate goals

Of course, it is important to reach as many private users as possible when it comes to more sustainable vehicles. However, it is commercial vehicles that play a major role when it comes to CO2 emissions in overall consideration. Many companies have numerous vehicles in their own fleets, which often include few or no sustainable vehicles. With electric vehicles, however, the advantage is the significantly lower emissions that are emitted. There will certainly be other solutions for powering vehicles in the distant future, but at present, vehicles with electric motors are the best solution for achieving sustainability goals.

The German government, for example, has not only recognized this but is actively working to create purchase incentives and subsidies in this area. Last but not least, the German government is setting a very good example in the public vehicle fleet, offering targeted subsidies for e-mobility to provide a greater incentive for companies and private individuals. Here you can find more information about the goals and funding opportunities for e-mobility to be implemented as part of the climate-friendly energy and transport policy.

How can sustainability goals be better achieved in the vehicle fleet?

Ideally, you first look at the company's current vehicle fleet, taking a look at all the vehicles, their costs, and the forms of propulsion they use. If there are no electric vehicles in the fleet yet, it is important to consider why this is the case. While options are steadily improving when it comes to electric vehicles, not all industries can make a comprehensive switch just yet. However, to achieve sustainability goals, it is first important to know the current status and then determine where the journey should go. This is where professional, modern, and, above all, centralized management with well-thought-out software can help.

The following questions are important for achieving your sustainability goals:

  • Are there already electric vehicles in the company and if so, to what extent?
  • Has the infrastructure on the company premises already been converted/ can you install charging stations and make them available for all commercial vehicles?
  • What are your current fleet costs/ what are your current emissions?
  • What requirements do you have for your commercial vehicles and what range/ what performance do the individual vehicles need to meet?
  • Are there any areas, such as field service, for which electric cars are not an option? If so, what economical solutions are available here?

Other important topics for the conversion and easier achievement of the sustainability goals in the vehicle fleet are the owner insurance and the car policy, so as not to experience any unpleasant surprises here. After all, the changeover should not only be attractive for companies in terms of achieving climate targets but also in terms of costs. To achieve this, it is important to define the issue of safety, the exact options, and, above all, clear, transparent targets so that action can be taken as soon as possible.

Digital solutions for the modern fleet

A modern fleet therefore ideally consists to a good extent of more sustainable commercial vehicles. The preoccupation with the topic of electric mobility is increasing all the time to achieve these goals. But to ensure that things don't get too complex after the changeover, you can aim for digital solutions when it comes to management. After all, the administration has already been a challenge under quite normal and previously known circumstances, as was the case with the classic fleet in the vehicle fleet. Looking at possible applications for subsidies, purchase incentives, tax savings, and the management of charging times, drivers, and special features of electric vehicles, it becomes even more complex. That's why it's important to think about digital solutions when it comes to fleet management, at the latest during the transition.

With fleet management software, however, you always have your vehicles in view. Sustainable commercial vehicles or those that have not yet been converted. You no longer have to work with Excel spreadsheets, as you save a lot of time and money because you get all the information with one click. In this way, fleet management becomes innovative, modern, and, above all, clear, in line with the sustainable solution. You no longer have to deal with different tables, information about drivers, or complicated calculations of times and costs. This advantage is the result of switching to modern software, which is interesting for commercial vehicles that need to be managed.

In any case, it is an advantage for fleet managers to have an overview of all figures and data. This saves time, there are significantly fewer errors in management and you can implement your goals more easily. The fleet can thus be significantly optimized. When it comes to data analysis in the fleet, some challenges can be overcome better with a modern solution.

Advantages of a central software for commercial vehicles

The main advantage of central software for commercial vehicles is that less time is needed for communication and for the administration itself. In addition, managers can react much faster. They have the opportunity to make adjustments promptly without directly incurring high costs of absenteeism.

The following advantages can be seen with fleet management software:

  • All vehicle and contract data can be retrieved in one central software
  • Commercial vehicles can be better allocated - for an efficient and optimal distribution
  • You have an immediate overview of costs and the consumption of the individual vehicles
  • Environmental key figures can be retrieved - the view of sustainability goals are easier to achieve
  • Costs for the entire fleet, for individual categories and vehicles can be easily broken down
  • All data points come together in the software - time-consuming searches in various Excel tables are eliminated
  • The increased administrative effort involved in setting up sustainable commercial vehicles and switching to electric mobility is absorbed
  • Whether it's leasing or vehicles owned by the company: Here you can enter and view all data and easily decide on the best solution

Conclusion: Sustainable commercial vehicles for the environment and the budget

In countries such as Germany, as in other industrialized nations, the government's interesting subsidy programs are ensuring that there is an increasing focus on a rethink concerning the climate. Converting the vehicle fleet offers major advantages in terms of emissions savings and sustainability goals. In the future, it will become even more important for companies to keep up and not simply ignore the issue of sustainability. This must also be taken into account concerning the costs incurred by the fleet. Because here, increasing pressure in complying with climate targets quickly leads to a higher burden on the budget. Since there are already many offers for sustainable vehicles, it makes sense to switch to alternative commercial vehicles. Subsidies ensure that the switch is particularly appealing now due to the high savings.

At Avrios, we deal with the transparent, modern, and simpler management of commercial vehicles in the fleet. It doesn't matter whether you operate vehicles at one, two, or ten different locations. You have a better overview of costs and can monitor the budget, possible repairs, and safety. Either way, this saves you time and money. With the desire to use sustainable commercial vehicles and to make your fleet as modern as possible, you can break new ground with us. After all, digital solutions are easier to deal with when switching to e-mobility as well as sustainable solutions in the fleet. They also help you see facts and figures immediately at a glance. Does this option sound interesting to you? Then sign up for your free account here and get started together with Avrios when it comes to more sustainability in the fleet.

Words by:
Sina Burghardt