Fleet vs. Mobility Management: A look into the future

In the current climate, companies still often talk about fleet management instead of mobility management. However, a look at the two goals of vehicle fleets in companies shows that this will be different in the near future.

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Aktuelle Änderungen und Trends im Fuhrparkmanagement 2024

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May 14, 2021

Firstly, vehicle fleets serve employee mobility, and secondly, they serve as a motivational tool in the competition for qualified employees. Since both goals can be better achieved by taking new mobility solutions into account, companies are increasingly introducing these new mobility solutions. Typically, this is a combination of short-term rentals along with car sharing, Uber, e-bikes, self-driving cars, and electric vehicles. The adaptation of these new solutions leads to new challenges and a changing catalog of tasks for the fleet manager - the fleet manager becomes a mobility manager.

In this article, we will show you the direction in which fleet management is developing, which challenges you will face, and how you can optimally face these challenges.

From fleet manager to mobility manager

Due to the changing environment, the area of ​​responsibility of a fleet manager expands - he becomes a mobility manager. But how do the tasks of a mobility manager compare to those of a fleet manager?

Current situation

Today, when it comes to providing mobility solutions in companies, the main question is which type of vehicle is suitable in which financing method and for how long for which employees. Should vehicles be bought, leased, or rented? Who can choose which extras and when should the vehicles be replaced? Even this evaluation is complex. However, it is also important to guarantee that every employee always has the right vehicle type at hand for the respective task. If necessary, he needs a rental vehicle just in time so that he can always remain productive. Then there are tax and liability issues as well as personal needs of the employees. In a nutshell, the area of ​​responsibility is limited to just one category of means of transport and yet highly complex. Without fleet software, it is hardly possible to keep an overview.

Future situation

Due to digitization and technological progress, the range of mobility offers is increasing. Furthermore, the needs of the respective employees are becoming more diverse. Which mobility offer is desired depends on factors such as the professional and family situation of the employee, their place of residence, and attitude to life. Young, well-trained specialists in particular increasingly want new mobility solutions and are looking for innovative employers who rely on these modern mobility solutions. But even in city traffic, new mobility solutions often enable faster and easier movement than company cars - you don't have to look for a parking space, but you always have a vehicle or other means of transport to hand.

The fleet manager's area of ​​responsibility, which is difficult to master anyway, has so far been limited to one category of means of transport. In the future, numerous different means of transport will suddenly be added. On closer inspection, each of these new means of transport for everyday company life has processes that are as complex as today's vehicle fleet. The tasks and processes of mobility management are therefore becoming increasingly confusing. The questions that then arise are, for example:

  • A vehicle with a combustion engine, electric vehicles, or e-bikes?
  • Will one and, if applicable, which charging station be installed?
  • Personal vehicles, pool vehicles, or ride-sharing?
  • Leasing, buying, long-term rental, or short-term rental?
  • Freely applicable monthly mobility budget (for example for public transport, taxi, and Uber) or a fixed monthly ticket for public transport?
  • As a mobility manager, how do I guarantee that, despite the wide range of offers, all employees always have a functioning means of transport?

What challenges does this change bring with it?

The use of new mobility solutions leads to an increasing variety of processes as well as new challenges and tasks for mobility management. One of these challenges is, for example, the rules for using such offers by employees. This initially means that the car policy has to be rewritten into a mobility policy that precisely defines these rules. The difficult thing is that the new mobility offers are often used in combination (for example an e-bike + short-term rental for long distances). It is very difficult to do justice to the interests of every employee.
Another challenge is the increasing administrative and coordinative effort. For example, a mobility manager has to be in contact with significantly more and different providers and negotiate contracts. For example, e-bikes must be insured and given a license plate. They also need special charging stations and power connections. The maintenance intervals of electric and gasoline-powered vehicles also differ. As a further aspect, new questions arise in the tax treatment. All of this leads to confusion and paperwork.

What kind of help does the mobility manager offer?

The complexity associated with these challenges can hardly be overcome manually. For mobility managers, however, there are helpful tools to master these challenges, to calm the chaos, and to reduce the administrative and coordinative effort considerably. Cloud-based mobility platforms, which offer a range of advantages, are particularly suitable for this. The advantages of such a platform have already become apparent in vehicle fleet management - however, the scope of these advantages becomes even more apparent in mobility management.

The advantages of a mobility solution are, for example:

  • All documents and information in one system
  • Automated processes
  • Classification of the respective employee in mobility profiles of the mobility mix
  • Mobility profiles to discuss appealing mobility offers
  • Add new suppliers to the supplier mix with one click
  • Direct contact with providers
  • Direct comparison of different offers
  • Acceptance of offers with one click
  • Reduced communication effort
  • Automatic data upload (including fuel card companies, leasing companies, telematics systems, vehicle manufacturers)
  • Cost transparency and automated cost analysis
  • Electronic driver's license check

If you'd like to find out more about how Avrios can help you with your mobility management then take a look at our 'Why Avrios' page.